Please use the #May12BlogBomb tag on social media when you share this list and blogposts from the list.
I will be accepting and collating posts during the day, and up to 5pm latest, so if you are a blogger with a post you have written that you would like to be included, please visit this post to complete the submission form .
My Awareness Posts:
Just ME: Disposable Energy?
Just ME: Some Days - All Days
Just ME: Preparing to "Princess" for Team Princess Hope (Updated)
Guest Posts on Just ME:
Just ME: Guest post from HellytheElephant - The Spoons Don't Work. . .
Just ME: Guest post by MerelyExisting is ME: I wish . . .
Just ME: Guest post from Sarah-Louise: A hashtag has just made me cry
Posts on Independent Blogs:
A Life Less Physical: Your fibromyalgia toolkit
Alan's Album Archives: 'ME/CFS Awareness Week At Alan's Album Archives'
Artifacts of ME: What Happened with that MS Diagnosis Anyway?
Brainless Blogger: #May12BlogBomb Work compramises
carolinekaisereditor.com: A Different Kind of Tired
Chronic Fatigue & Me: 1 Week About ME
Chronic Mom: 3 things to remember during a fibro flare
Fed Up with Fatigue: What I wish others knew about fibromyalgia and ME/CFS
Fibrodaze: International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day Online Events
Fibro Warriors ~ Living Life: Why is May 12th International CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day?
Grieving for me because of M.E.: Today is ME Awareness Day…..
Gwenfar's Garden: Garden visiting with ME
Jan's Place: What do we want? From a person with M.E.
Just A Spoonful Podcast: May The 12th Be With You
LENNAE'S WORLD: ME Awareness, Symptoms with ME
Katie Cupcake Life With ME: Knowing your limits does not make you negative!
Laura's Pen: The M.E. Adventures comic: energy and exertion
LavenderDojo: Thyroid-immune interactions; rT3 and TGF-beta1
liebjabberings: ME/CFS: Writer’s personal and professional inextricably entangled
Lightening the Shadow: Seven Years May Be a Turning Point
Little Wings: Living with M.E. is like having to re-invent yourself everyday
ME/CFS Self-Help Guru: What I want you to understand about ME/CFS for May12th International Awareness Day
ME Australia: ME and CFS Awareness Week: 11 - 17 May
Melanie Schickedanz on Huffington Post Blog: Am 12. Mai ist der internationale ME-Tag
ME Support: The Power of Creativity
motherinlawsblog: Don't roll your eyes at ME!
My Spoonie Life: Why the public opinion of M.E. needs to change
Sarah at Saje: Isolation and ME
Slightly Alive: For May 12, 2016: ME is not a "mysterious" disease.
Spoonseeker: Out of the Blue
Sue Stevenson: The Slow Rise
The Get Up and Go Guru: Never Give Up! – ME / CFS International Awareness Day 2016
The Person Who Disappeared: What is ME? A special post for ME awareness week
Tips for ME: 10 insights on life: Awareness through ME
Trishrhymes: ME and me
Undies on the Outside: Behind the Undies on the Outside Challenge
Utting-Wolff Spouts: 12th May, how I dread this day, or: Awareness and compassion fatigue
Verbena Days: Imagine ME
Previous Link Lists can be found here:
#May12BlogBomb 2015 Link List
May 12 Blog Bomb Link List (2014)
Undies on the Outside: Behind the Undies on the Outside Challenge
Utting-Wolff Spouts: 12th May, how I dread this day, or: Awareness and compassion fatigue
Verbena Days: Imagine ME
Previous Link Lists can be found here:
#May12BlogBomb 2015 Link List
May 12 Blog Bomb Link List (2014)
There was no energy this past week to join your post in a timely manner. But I pushed myself today (and will now go crash). I'll read many of these later.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to add that I STILL believe mightily in the power of FICTION to get through the intractable wall around the human heart, and I'm doing that.
YES Alicia. Fiction is a wonderful escape. At one point I found I couldn't read novels any more, and I felt bereft... luckily I discovered audio books and I love them. Actually I could probably read novels again now as I've had some improvement lately, but I've got hooked on audio books. I'll take a look at your link now. :)
DeleteAlicia - sorry for not tending to this sooner. I set the 5pm deadline on May 12th as I was going to be mostly out of internet range for a few days. I'm just getting back to this now and have added your post to the list. Sorry it is a bit late. xx
DeleteYou have nothing to apologize for! I didn't meet a reasonable deadline - it happens, and it's fine.
DeleteBut I wasn't using fiction as a distraction, I wrote Pride's Children to show a woman living with CFS - and still having the same wants, needs, and loves as a 'normal' woman, except that she has herself to battle as well, not wanting to bestow her illness on one who is younger and healthy.
The education is buried deep in the entertainment; most people will not see that I'm trying to get past their defenses to show how CFS has shaped Kary as well as made her wiser and MORE valuable. That you get by reading.
Wow, what a great effort! Thanks for going to all this trouble Sally, I'm slowly making my way through the list of blog posts.
ReplyDeleteLennae xxx
Thanks Lennae - So many voices. Such a great response from the blogging community yet again. :)