I have created a slide series (below) to give a quick over view of the problem with graded exercise advice for ME patients given in NICE guidelines (UK).
My own health was (& is) not sufficient to cope with actually presenting this live, so I was delighted when Dr Steven Wilson the organiser of the event agreed to me presenting remotely.
I am also hugely indebted to Joan McParland and Martina Marks, my co-Trustees for Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland, for attending the event and answering questions after the presentation on my behalf .
This is the presentation:
To watch in full screen, start video then click on the
word YouTube in bottom right corner.
I stayed at home and was delighted to be able to follow the event on Twitter using the tag #QUBept and there were many ideas and concepts discussed that will require further thought on my part!
Altogether a fascinating event.
I look forward to further discussions online on some of the issues raised.
14th Sept: Edit to add a link to Greg Crowhurst's review of my video on Stonebird: This video could save your life !
Thank you Greg. A review, like this, from you means everything!